Hungry's origins
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A new and unique origins addon
This Minecraft Bedrock Edition addon introduces a unique twist on the popular Origins mod by allowing players to activate their special abilities using the Emote Wheel instead of an inventory or hotbar setup. This streamlined control system allows you to still quickly activate abilities, without having to lose an inventory slot.
The addon comes with 6 base origins, but you can add on to this with addons using our api!
Togglable keybinds
When you hold your emote button, a quick emote window opens up. If you press whatever button is bound to the clapping emote while this is happening, when you close the window that pops up, the quickmenu is there until you press your emote button again. This makes it so you can have keybinds you can press for your emotes without having the wheel.
For addon developers wanting to add their own origin, here's the example origin along with it's API